our little yellow house... is becoming a home.

When I first found our home on the internet it looked a little something like this...  

Somewhere back there is a little yellow house. 

With lots of odd vegetation, random crap on the porch, oh and a nice zombie coming up from the ground. 

The yellow is also a bit dirty. Okay, wayyyy dirty. 

The day we saw the house in person, it was a bit more visible, but mostly because it was winter. 
Although... it was February, and yes: those are leaves from last fall. 

The day we closed there had not been any improvement to our little home. 
Huge over grown trees, bushes, and more leaves than a person thought possible. 
Oh. And no grass. 

You may remember this post from our first front yard work day. 
We spent hours raking up the 16 bags of leaves and digging out the gi-normous azaleas in front of the porch. My mom was in town with the little cousin-sister and they worked their tales off. 

After their work day we got the yard up to this. SO MUCH BETTER... but little did we know what two more days could do. 

Ryan & his dad have spent the past two days working on the house. They pressure washed the entire thing yesterday and then today cut down HUGE limbs, cut back the azaleas, bushes and rhodedendrum and woahhhh. What a HUGE difference!

(don't worry there is a big picture below)

The trash pick up people are going to start avoiding our home. 

This is the side of the house. I don't have any before pictures, but I am NOT exaggerating when I saw these bushes were up to the windows. The left bush was covering part of the window! THey also had grown over the air conditioning unit and grown together so much that Ryan didn't even realize they were two separate bushes. 

Do you see how yellow our home is now!! So much better!! 
Here she is in all her cute glory... 

Our little sunshine yellow house is becoming a home. 
You can see our porch! We have bushes at a respectable height. We have a small area in front of the porch ready for a few perennials and another small area ready for some caladiums and hostas. What a transformation! Every day we work hard on our house and it really becomes more and more special. I told Ryan today I am finally starting to be proud of our home and think its actually cute! I knew it had potential and am so thrilled to see how great it is turning out! 

I feel like I should take this time to thank our amazing parents. We could not be this far along if it wasn't for the hours all 4 of our parents have put in. They haven't just done little things, they have done HUGE MAJOR projects. Our parents are incredible... and to be honest... they have surprised us at how hard and how long they can work! So thanks Robin, Darrell, mom & dad! We love you so so so so much. 


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