Weekend warriors...

The weather was finally gorgeous on a day I was off so we spent it outside. In fact a solid eight hours outside. Thankfully my mom came up for a quick last minute visit and she worked her tail off alon with Ashley on our front yard... Let me find a before shot for you..... 

Please note. The leaves. The large bushes. The dark dirty house. The weird flower bed in middle of yard. Oh and more leaves. 

And then. A few hours in. This is the house now.... 

Ryan and I spent the first few hours digging up the giant azaleas hiding the porch. We are going to cut back the other azaleas, but will let them bloom first. We are planning on planting some bulbs and maybe a hydrangea or two. 

Mom and ash raked. 

Then we cleaned. We had a pressure washer but it stopped working. So soap and water and a hose and boom. We washed the front of the house. 

And just like that it's white!

And how about that cute welcome packet we got! Lots of brochures and coupons for area restaurants and shops! Yay !!!

And then after numerous failed attempts to buy a lawn mower on craigslist... Mom just decided to cut the grass with the weed eater. It worked!

In the end we had 16!!! Bags full of leaves and yard waste!!! Then a HUGE pile of sticks. Fingers crossed the city will pick it up on Monday. That's what it says online! I hope!!

Here are some beutful plants that were hidden under leaves and trash. Hopefully they will be pretty tulips! 

So we may not have found a lawn mower on craigslist... But we did find this awesome ikea chair!! Best part.... ONLY 20$!!!!! No joke. I had this 60$ chair in my ikea checkout earlier in the week but couldn't come to buying it. So glad I didn't!!! Wooo!!! 

Well there you have it! Our weekend round up! It was busy. And exhausting. But it was so worth it!! We are slowly gettin a little curb appeal!


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