number 5... on my 30/30

So number 5 on my 30/30 is something that over the course of my life, I have probably accomplished.
Read the Bible cover to cover. Growing up in a Southern Baptist school we read our Bible multiple times a day. We did math problems about Sunday School offering. We read the story of Noah and discussed animals and nature. We did those 'sword drills' like it was an Olympic sport. Often times I could win. Really. I could find Obadiah 1:14 in a split second. Too bad we didn't actually get gold medals.
I had the double whammy, not only did I go to a Southern Baptist school from preschool to yes, 12th grade, I was a preacher's kid. The good kind. I went to Sunday School every Sunday and ALWAYS won a candy bar because I ALWAYS had the Bible verse memorized. Always. I lived for those candy bars. I memorized scripture, like I memorized spelling words. They were just words to me. Lots of words that I could memorize. By my 12th grade year I was memorizing chapters of the Bible. I kid you not, John 1. Boom. I could spout it out to you. To this day, I can still get pretty far into it, but after we start talking about John I get a little lost.
I am thankful for this upbringing. I turned out to be a pretty great person I like to think and know it has a lot to do with my solid foundation. So this brings me back to my 30 for 30. After all that schooling one would assume I've probably read the Bible forward and back a few times.... but considering that was at least a solid 10 years ago... its time to bust it open and re-read it. Memorizing a bunch of words known as Scripture as a kid, is way different than actively reading and growing. I hope to grow, learn, and be challenged and plan on starting with Genesis and going through Revelation. On Easter I thought it would be the perfect time to start this task and try to finish by next Easter. Its a solid goal right?!

Join me if you want! If you have a Kindle or any other tablet download the You Version Bible Ap then search under "plans" I am doing the Eat this Book: One Year Bible plan. You can also sign up here! The You version Ap will then email you your reading daily! After reading through a few options I picked this one so that I will start in Genesis and go straight through the Bible. It also has you read a Psalm a day which is a nice bonus. It was written/prepared by a church which has additional resources online. Who knows if I will use them, but its a nice touch.

So. Here we go!
Day one: Genesis 1-3 & Psalm 1

::::UPDATE:::: so my dear husband, with his kind heart, and sincere spirit brought to my attention that this is pretty unrealistic for me to actually stick to. he suggested I just "pound it out'. i plan to compromise, because he is right. (he is almost always right. almost) i'll stop doing this after 3 days. so. plan B. use the ap to guide me and help me keep up... but days when i have more time, pound it out. days i dont get to it, make up for it the next day. seems more realistic. so there you have it. still going to do it by next easter, although ryan said i should try to pound it out in 3 months. yeah he said pound it out a lot.

**I must note. Sadly, I am not getting paid by anyone to endorse anything. If you want to pay me to read something and then review it... please, by all means. Contact me! haha.


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