Day four!

Wow. What a great day. It was jammed packed. We were gone for almost 12 hours doing various things. Wow. I just realized the crazy start to my day --- but that feels like it was 3 days ago! No no. It was today.
Our morning started out with a bang. Literally. A large crash. On the way into clinic today a motorcycle hit our van. He was going really fast and smacked right into our side. I was certain he was dead. I saw him coming out of the corner of my eye and realized he was going to hit us so I ducked. Bam. Bump. Oh shit. I looked back because I realized we can help him.... But praise Jesus he was standing up and getting his bike up. Our driver stopped and almost instantly a mob of people surrounded our van. We were loaded down with six suitcases of supplies on top and the car had 6 Americans inside. Our driver got out and my heart was racing. I have seen wayyyy too many movies. I instantly locked our back door and told them to lock the front ones. I just knew someone was going to take off with us. Or they were going to start throwing rocks or something awful. Little did I know the mob of people was telling the police it was the guy on the motorcycles fault. A few minutes into the whole episode we realized the motorcycle driver had disappeared! He didn't want to have to pay to fix the dent in the van. That's what we assume anyway. It was crazy!!! One of our doctors came and got us pretty quick so we could get out of there while our driver finished up business. What a mess. But everyone was fine. Thank God! And this was all before 730am!! 
I took this on the way in this morning... You can see our top loaded down with supplies! 

After that crazy start we regrouped after morning prayer and headed to tent city. 
This is the church with their brand new roof we worked in. This area is incredibly poor. Most people still live in tents supplied after the earthquake---4 years ago. The children are very dirty. Shoeless. Naked. Some of it is legit dramatic affect done by their parents. They want us to give them more clothes so they send their kid in naked. It's crazy. But it happens. 
The kids are sweet though. And they desperately do need help. I like working here--- but gracious alive. It was hot as hades. No ventilation in there. It was scorching! 

I got to see a lot of the same kids and I gave out pictures I took the last time. I even had one of the same patients that I had 6months ago! So cool. I love building relationships and seeing the same things again. 

We saw a lot of folks this morning and when we were all done--- we were one van short. One van had run to town and got behind. Sooo. When in Haiti- do as the Haitians do. 

 This van has three rows in it. We had twelve people inside. You do the math. Yeah.... That's FOUR of us in the front!! Two seats. Four people. It was crazy!!! And sooo hot. Luckily we got an ice cold coke for the drive back!

Our day was only really getting going though. We went to the clinic then hit up 3 orphanages! One was just a block walk from the fixed clinic. Probably 12 kids there. We gave them first aid kits and toys and of course I proceeded to have a lil craft time with them. 

The second orphanage made me think of the jungle book for some reason. It was a larger home with a great huge jungly (word!?) yard. These kids were a lil crazier than others but still appreciated a few bags of toys! I had fun dueling jump rope with this lil guy. He was good! And look... My crossfit skills came in handy! 

The last orphanage of the day is our favorite. Our teams have come to this one in particular numerous times before and have a great relationship with them. It's really special to see the same kids and let them know we really care about them. They are the most well behaved children and are learning great English. They are respectful and so grateful. 
The last trip I took lots of pictures of these kids and this time I distributed them. It was so awesome. These kids LOVEd having pictures of themselves. They couldn't stop smiling and laughing at the pictures. It was such a special moment. I made sure to take lots more this time to being back next time. 

Ps--- don't you love the duke! That was a gift from the sniders last time ;)

I will post a bazillion more pictures from here when I get home but with slow internet--- less is better. 

It really was an awesome day. I just love being with the kids. They have such joy and love  I can't describe it. It was so fun. 

Love and peace from Haiti!

One more day to spread a lil more love...


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