week one as homeowners...
its only been a week, but we have been busy!
in our spare time this week we started with a deep clean in the bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom.
then we started ripping off wallpaper in the bathroom.
because hey--- why not. gotta start somewhere.
so... this is the before:
mildewy grossness and all. oh and cobwebs... those are lovely in a bathroom.
and peeling, painted wallpaper.
((yes. this shower is on. i was getting the bathroom steamy. it helps!))
ryan... working hard.
this... this my friends is major progress.
it also makes our bathroom look disgusting.
it actually doesn't look this bad or this dramatically moldy in person.
yeah... we made a huge mess.
ok... and do you see this? (below picture) its hard to tell, but its inside the window frame. and yes. wallpaper. inside the windowsill. wallpaper caulked to the window. its lovely.
who the hell puts wallpaper on the inside!?!
and here is our lovely mess... about halfway through the day.
really--- we can't complain. 2 afternoons and we get it down. yup. all of it.
the only thing left is a few pieces of paper/glue here and there.
next up...
1. finish cleaning walls.
2. patch/fill holes
3. sand.
5. PAINT!!!! ((i can't wait!!!))
then we will....
6. get a new vanity.
7. rehang the shelf above the window & possibly more above toilet
8. decorate & have a happy bathroom
ryan also spent some time cleaning the kitchen cabinets.
he cleaned and waxed the wood cabinets. then removed the top doors.
using that hardware he fixed up the missing hardware on the bottom drawers (( do you see the drawer pulls? they are SILVERWARE!!!)) i kid you not.
so here is the before...
and here is the after... ok its hard to tell due to the massive amount of cleaning supplies and the oversized microwave the seller left us... but i think im going to really like the top being open!
gah... i still can't get over the color scheme. lime green walls. pink tile. wood cabinets. and terribly awful peel and stick tile floor. mannnn.
our to do list in here is rather lengthy...
1. paint tile.
2. paint walls.
3. replace oversize fan with a nice kitchen light.
4. remove the wood piece over the window.
5. replace window light.
5a) better window treatment... perhaps a roman shade?! just please, mini-blinds GO AWAY!!!!
7. hook up electricity in our pantry to put the microwave in there. (yes our pantry is that big!)
8. fancy stainless steel stove... ((i wish. but i will search craigslist far & wide when 1-7 are complete))
9. and then when we have lots of money and everything else is done... new countertops. at least on the bar.
well there you have it. our run down after week one of owning our own home. :)
only one black eye, and beat up hands from pulling off nasty wallpaper (who knew wallpaper was so sharp!) i would call week one a success!
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