house project numero UNO....

ever heard of anyone working on a house before they own it?
well... today we did just that.

the bank told us we (or someone) had to paint the steps and railings because they were peeling... and even though it was an addition in 2004 it could potentially be lead based. and kill our pets. or something. so whatever.

sometimes its just easier to go to home depot and do a little work yourself.
here is our first before and after home project.


mid painting. 
i swear. i painted. a lot actually.

and after. they really do look awesome. so so so much better. 
and yes. white is probably the worst color to paint steps OUTSIDE, but thats the color of our trim. so there ya have it. perhaps we find some no slip solution to help during icy/wet times. 
ill go pinterest that. 

yay white stairs! 

see proof i painted. 
i had paint everywhere... including my hair. 

woooo. first project complete! here's to many many more!


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