why i hike.

 the last hike we went on i did a lot of thinking. 
why i enjoy being outdoors so much. 
i can't describe the feeling i get when im walking through the woods. 
all i know is that i belong. 
im sure it goes back to when i was young. 
reallllly young. 

my parents threw me and my brothers into the woods when we were tiny. 
i remember playing in creeks. hiking in the forest. walking. breathing in the mountain air. and appreciating the beauty around us. 
i have always loved the mountains. 
we drove around the mountains when we were kids always talking about how beautiful they were. 
we even had our own little saying.... 
mom & dad would say... hows it look guys?
we (or ben) would say its.... beee U ti ful. 
these are memories i wont ever forget. 
these are moments that have shaped my life now. 
20 years later. 

i love the mountains. 
i love the fresh air. 
i love going for walks in the woods. 

this last hike--- up mount leconte--- was no different. 
it was 5 miles up. 5 miles down. 
moments were tough. 
most of the time- i just thought about my next step. 
this. is why i love walking in the woods. 
it hit me. 

i love being in the woods because its one of the very few times in life that i stop and live in the moment. literally. every moment. each step is important. 
the focus is very intense at moments. 
you can't think about your e-mails. what friends are doing on facebook. if we have gone to war yet. you have to think about where you are going to place your step next. 

hiking through the woods--- life is at its simplest. 
it matters if you have water. 
if you have protein. 

you feel every breath. 
the glory of God is everywhere. 
every step matters. 

and that is why i love hiking. 
it slows you down. 
life comes back into perspective. 
i can think. 
i can breathe. 
i can pray. 
i feel like i am alive. 
being in the woods makes me feel home. 
i am strong. 
i am awesome. 
at least thats how i felt in this picture. 
2,000 feet up, in 2 miles. 
((thats STRAIGHT UP, in case you were wondering))
this is on top of pilot mountain last month. 
one of the GREATEST moments of my life.


so a new blog. 
a new blog about life. 
thoughts from the trail. 
creations from the craft room. 
food cooked by my love. 
the possibilities are endless. 
get ready. 
when i get bored--- have no fear. ill be blogging away. 


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