71 & this place called the gym

71 people have viewed my blog in the past 24 hours... and i haven't even posted it on my facebook yet.
hmmm. who are those 71 people?!?
or maybe its just my mom over and over and over again.
i dont think i even know 71 people...
welp. here's to hoping i'll write something worth reading in the future and make that 71 turn into 701!


also. this will probably decrease my readers, but im gonna post it anyway. 
me. today. at the gym. 
im on the far right. 
just doing a nice old handstand. and holding it. for a lil bit :) 

i started working out 7 months ago. 
ive never felt better in my life. 
our gym does 'urban training'.... we are a small town and dont have the $$ big fancy gyms have. or the $$ for crossfit. ((you know that stuff is damn pricey!))
we do have awesome trainers. and an awesome program that incorporates all sorts of exercises into a daily workout. there are about a million names for it--- but its exercise. 
and i love it. 
i also love my gym friends. 
its nice to hang out with people my age, even if its just an hour. 

oh and the best part of it all... ive never been so lean, tight, toned and strong in my entire life. ever. 
im in better shape now than in high school. 
im also smaller now that i was then too :) 

hey--- forget highschool--- im in my late twenties and in my prime! i cant wait to see how much stronger and fitter i get! 


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