going and doing

go & do good. 
tonight i glanced at instagram and saw this beautiful piece of art by barn owl primitives 
i love this. was sad she only had one, and it sold out instantly i'm sure. 
but still. loved this. 


what if more people did go and do good? if everyone in the world did just one good thing every day for someone else--- what would this world look like?
i think it would be more peaceful. more loving. 

what if we fed the hungry? spent quality time talking with someone? walked our neighbors dog? bought medicine for children in haiti? gathered infant formula and mailed it across the country for a friend who is going on a mission trip? these are all good things that have happened to me this week. GOOD things people have done for ME all week. humbled. blessed. thankful. 

ive been blown away by the response and support in just 2 days. friends across the country are collecting items. praying. donating. doing good. 

i think we are called to go and do. 
not just sit around. not just read scripture. or think about the news. 
but to go and do. 
make a difference in the world!
there is so much good to be done. 
there are so many people in need. 
our neighbors are hungry. our streets are dirty. our children need love. nursing homes need cookies. elderly need hugs.  homeless need blankets. sick folks need soup.  
there is so much!

so. go & do! find your niche and make something happen!

ps. hope im not too preachy. just been on my heart. 
pss. dont judge me that i follow aziz ansari on insta... i love that guy. 


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