Our last day in Haiti

Wow. It's hard to believe its over. The week flew by. It was an incredible trip. I've never felt like I was actually working with such a sustainable, life changing group as I did here. The set clinic is here and always here. In a nice home that, thanks to sisters of mercy, was turned into a clinic. (we donated all of our old clinics furniture) it is Run by three Haitian doctors and Staffed all by Haitians. The US teams just come in to help. We provide a little relief for the staff. We saw 636 patients this week between the three Haitian doctors, our doctor and the two midlevels. Can you imagine that without our help!? That's their typical week. 5-600 patients. Just unreal.
But that's why I feel like I'm really making a difference and not just offering a hand out or playing with kids. Both are important but if done poorly can be more detrimental than helpful. 
This trip just felt right. Like this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Caring for the sick. Feeding the hungry. giving water to the thirsty. Giving the naked clothing.  Jesus says, when you do this to the least of these, you do it to me. 
I see Jesus here. I feel Him. I know Him. The smiles. The laughter. The tears. The coughs and fevers and snotty noses. 
I've been blessed serving these lovely beautiful souls and I do plan to return as soon as I can.

Our last visit of the day was to an orphanage where we gave away clothes and toys and more shoes. The children as a thank you, sang us the most beautiful song. Next time you see me let me play it for you. It's recorded on my phone. And it's beautiful.


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