And then it hAppened..

My pregnancy complication has popped up. as a whole I've had the easiest 25 weeks ever... This baby and me have had a breeze. Eat whatever whenever. Exercise. Relax. It's all been awesome. Until yesterday. 25 weeks of enjoying life and eating anything has apparently caused my gallbladder  to freak out. I've got what they the sludge. Sounds lovely. Feels about as lovely. I've only thought death was upon me once, so I suppose that's good. Once I stopped eating life seemed to get better. Since not eating while growing a child isn't encouraged, I'm on a new amazing diet. It's called the super low fat diet. It looks a bit like this... 

We are hoping this episode will calm down and I can go on living a somewhat normal life hopefully adding more food to this list. Worst case scenario I'm stuck with this for 15 weeks. Worst worst case. I have to have surgery while pregnant. That's not gonna happen. So. Cheers to no fat anything. It's gonna be a helluva ride.  


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