roller coaster...

wrote this last weekend... somehow didn't post. ill post it now.
its not life changing or anything.
just my thoughts.
buying a house is like riding a damn roller coaster.
ups and downs.
love a home. dont get it.
find another home and really love it.... oh its under contract. they forgot to change the MLS site. ....lame.
we know. we have just started the hunt. but its such a roller coaster ride.
all you home owners understand im sure.
just a part of life and growing up i suppose.
anyway. the wait continues.
we check the sites daily.
see new homes up for sale daily, but none that jump out at us.
so we keep waiting.
drove by and then explored such a darling home in west asheville. 1920's bungalow. HUGE backyard. 2 fun 'party porches' as i call them.
but this home is under contract.
is it bad that i prayed it would fall through?!
::ill add in that this past thursday we drove around some more areas and found a few more cute homes that look like they have great potential. we are going to 'tour' some tomorrow. thats exciting. we shall see what happens::
anyway. we will keep waiting.
annnnd thats about all i got in life right now. haha.
work. gym. look for houses.
oh and it snowed last week. a good amount. maybe 5 inches. and it stuck around for several days.
that was fun.
lets see what happens tomorrow.
i was hoping february 1 would bring new houses that we love on the market, but so far, nothing good.
im so so so thankful we have time and aren't like--- hey we need a house in like 30 days.
yikes. that'd be scary.


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