August--- where did you go?
I have been slacking, and for all of my devoted readers, I apologize. I am not quite sure how almost an entire month flew by without a post! Especially when so much has happened. Hopefully in this one quick photo dump post I can catch you up on life.
- Let's start with the most recent home update.... We painted our screened door purple! I couldn't love it more. It adds such fun personality--- without being too crazy. If you have never visited West Asheville you might think I am crazy--- but once you drive through the neighborhood and see our turquoise neighbors, or the bright red house, or the cute blue bungalow down the way--- you will get it. Our house needed a little more character and this was the perfect way to do that.
- Also in life... we have a blueberry bush! WhAT!! It is awesome. I came home from work not too long ago and Ryan had made me this amazing blueberry cobbler. My hubby is the best!
- Ryan and I started working out together! After the move and re examining finances I had to make the grown up decision to cut out crossfit. Luckily--- our Y has amazing prices and an amazing small "crossfit" room. Ryan and I can come in anytime and do our own work outs or we can come to some of their version of crossfit's work out of the day. Granted, it certainly isn't the same--- it was a great compromise and now we get to work out together, which has been really fun!
- We had friends over and had dinner on our back porch. The lights twinkled. Candles burned. We sat at our table for hours after dinner was eaten. It was perfect. It was exactly what we dreamed about when we bought this home.
- I loved this picture of my man and my puppy....
- Ryan has filled in for our friend on Sunday morning and is doing so again this week. Its fun to hear him preach again. Its less stressful. Its a little money. It helps out our friend. Win/Win.
- Speaking of my man.... Look at this stud!
- A) He has a beard these days and I really kinda like it.
- B) See that smile... its because he got a job!!
- And finally--- the biggest thing of the past month... our epic backpacking adventure. Have no fear. It will be getting its own post. But really... We hiked 77 miles in just 5 days. It was insane. So hard. Long. and I wanted to quit... lots. But we didn't. We finished and had an awesome time. Oh and even better... we raised closed to 4,000$ for Haiti!!!
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